Glial reactivity

Research on glial reactivity following brain injury

As a neuroscientist, I am focused on understanding glial reactivity after brain injury. I am particularly interested in astrocytes and their derived extracellular matrix molecules. Recently, I have ventured into the study of PDGFR-B cells and their contribution to fibrotic scar.

Multicellular reactivity and glial scar formation (Manrique-Castano and Elali (2021).


The following are research/resources I have been involved:

Research articles and book chapters

  • In progress: I am writing popular science book on astrocytes. I hope to finish it soon.

  • My research article applying Point pattern analysis (PPA) and Topological data analysis (TDA) for the examination of glial scar formation.

  • My research article showing that tenascinc-C (TnC) restrict astrologists following brain injury.

  • In this book chapter I summarize the different phases of glial reactivity and how it contributies to glial/fibrotic scar formation.

  • My research article showing that tenascinc-C (TnC) modulates the infiltration of immune T-cells.

  • My review showing how the extracelular matrix contributes to brain remodeling following injury.


  • This Zenodo repository contains microscopy images of Gfap (astrocytes) Iba1 (microglia) and NeuN (Neurons) following cerebral ischemia.The repository also contains the point patterns analyzed in this research artcle.