
Courses I taught in the last five years.

Design and data management for research

Doctoral program in Appliend and behavioral Neuroscience
Universidad San Buenaventura (Bogotá, Colombia)
Date: March 2024 -

Summary: This course prepares third-year doctoral students for the precise and coherent formulation of a doctoral research project. The course develops four modules: Research Design, Data Management, Good Scholarly Practice, and Research Project Writing. In particular, this seminar equips students with the use of several web/informatic tools that strengthen their research skills and research project within the framework of open and reproducible science.

Introduction to data analysis with R

Lerni academy / University Duisburg-Essen (Essen, Germany)
Date: March - June, 2023

Summary: This course offers introductory tools for data analysis and visualization with R. In particular, the course is focused on using the tidyverse, ggdist and tidybayes for data handling and visualization, and brms to perform Bayesian data analysis using MCMC. The topics covered are simple lineal regression with continuous and categorical variables, the use of different families of distributions and a touch of multilevel models.

Introduction to neuroscience

Escuela de astronomía de Cali (Cali, Colombia)
Date: September 2023

Summary: This course provides and introduction to neuroscience for students of different disciplines including biology, psychology, engineering and physics. It covers basic neuroanatomy and cell biology,together with broad functional trends of the central nervous system. the course also addressees the main neuroscience fields with its research methods and challenges.